Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I have a new blog!

I will be deleting this blog site.  My new blog address is

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Enchanted Rock

Saturday, April 3, 2010 was an a adventurous day.  Ryan and I along with the kids joined the Foire family at Enchanted Rock in Fredericksburg, TX.  Enchanted rock is a huge, pink granite exfoliation dome, that rises 425 feet above ground.  It was so glorious!  It amazes me to see the different creations of God.  Enchanted Rock is defiantly a fantastic creation!

The boys including Joel my son and Melissa, went into the cave at Enchanted Rock.  This was not like any other cave, this was a cave that was built by huge rocks that sat on top of each other.  As they are traveling through the cave they are crawling in the dark with flashlights through tight areas that would sometimes cause them to get on their belly's.
Of course I did not know this until they got out, which was an HOUR LATER!

 Joel is 4 and will soon be 5 on April 9th.  Hard to believe how big he is now!  He went along with Ryan on this cave journey.  Ryan said he could not believe how brave Joel was.  He said he was fearless!  Needless to say, Ryan was a proud daddy!  It is so crazy to think how my boy is now a climbing, running, jumping, dancing, joyful young boy and no longer a toothless baby boy.  I am sad and happy at the same time.  Sad that he is growing up so quickly but yet so happy to see what a wonderful young man he is growing into.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Harmony turned TWO!

Yikes!  I can't believe another year has gone by with my baby girl.  She is now 2 years old and turning into a beautiful girl.

We are already having heart to heart conversations.  Like today... she was telling me how she bumped her head.  It happened last night when Ryan and I had a Valentines Date.  We had a blast!  We went out to eat and watched the movie "Dear John", which by the way is an awesome movie. Then after the movie we went and got some coffee from Starbucks.  This is pretty much Ryan and I's date routine and we love it!  So back to Harmony.  This morning Joel comes to me and tells me that Harmony bumped her head by falling off the bed while watching a moving in his room.  I appreciated Joel telling me.  I wasn't shocked because I have a awesome babysitter who told Ryan and I when we got home from our date. 

So at lunch today I asked Harmony, "How did you get that bruise on your head?"  She tells me, "I fell out of the bed." I asked, "how did that happen?"  She wasn't sure how to tell me so she just says, "I have a boo boo."  I told her that she needs to make sure she is careful and not to be rough when on a bed because that is how we fall off beds.  I also told her that Mommy and Daddy do not like to see her hurt and being careful will help her from getting hurt.  She was so sweet and cute and said, "OK mommy."

I still can't believe my girl is 2 yrs. old now and I don't even want to think about how Joel will be 5 in two months.  Life flies by so fast and we must treasure every moment we get with our family especially our children and thank God for all His blessings!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Toilet Covers are a Joke!

Ryan and I were about to watch a movie called "Leap Year", which by the way is so cute, but before I could go sit down in the theatre I had to go to the restroom.  It is not fun when I am in the middle of watching a movie and doing the potty dance because I didn't use the restroom before the movie started. So now I make it a habit to go before hand. I really dislike using public restrooms because they are so dirty. I will still use them in hopes that the stall will have toilet covers...even though the toilet covers are a joke!

So with 5 min. to spare I go to the restroom.  I find the cleanest stall and YIPPEE there are some toilet covers.  I started the process and gently pulled out the cover.  RIP...ok, so I ripped it, I will try it again.  Slower this time... almost... RIP!  Nooooooo... not again!  Ok...third times a charm.  Slowly I pull out the cover.  Great... I was able to pull it out with just a few tares but it will still be usable.  I place it on the toilet and NOOOO it falls right in!!!  I was just about to give up, but I'm a fighter, I will not let this little toilet cover defeat me! 

Slowly I pull out the toilet cover... Success!  It wasn't perfect, it still had some tares but it was usable.  Now to push out the middle part without causing it to fall apart.  Gradually I push the tissue and I got it.  It still looked pretty mangled but it was usable.  I place it on the seat very carefully... YES It stayed! I could not believe how careful I had to be with this cover.  It took me at least 5 min!

I finished up my business and rushed out of the bathroom.  I barely made it to my seat before the movie started.  Really!!! That is the best they can do with toilet covers!  They are so ridiculous!  Yes I did feel better knowing that I wasn't sitting on tons of germs but man... it sure was frustrating getting it on.

Thanks for letting me vent!  I pretty much go through this every time with these covers.  You would think I would get better each time but I don't.  Am I alone in this?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Joys of Christmas!

I love the Christmas season!

The joy that comes with scented candles, twinkling lights, green and red everywhere, loving on family, opening gifts, and the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ marks another wonderful time in life that will always be cherished and anticipated again.

One of the joys of Christmas that I just love is the excitement that my children express. Everyday is so much fun! The kids started the Christmas season by coloring a fun Christmas coloring page from the Daily Times. Joel colored Santa Clause, which brought up conversation about who Santa was. Ryan and I tell the kids that Santa is Jesus' helper. He helps by coming every year to spread love, joy, and give gifts to everyone. Now Joel asks almost everyday, when will Santa come? We tell him it will be soon but not until we take the last figurine off the Santa Calendar.

Another great joy that Christmas brings is celebrating with friends and family. I love going to Christmas parties. We always sing carols, drink cocoa, and eat great food... love it! Ryan and I will be going to the Rock Box this season to see their Christmas production. I am so excited! I love that place! They have some of the best musicians and some of the funniest acts.

Oh how I love visiting with family. I love my family and I thank God for them everyday. We always have great conversation. Now, what to get them for Christmas... hmmmm... I struggle with that. I never know what to get, but when I do give it, I love the joy it brings!

I especially love seeing my kids open their gifts! We try not to spoil our kids by buying stuff for them all the time. I haven't even had to buy clothes for them because I have been blessed by my sister in law, who has handed down her kids clothes. Joel and Harmony get so excited when it comes to packages. They pretty much love anything they are given. Joel even likes getting new clothes which is unusual for a child. He likes to look cool he says.

The greatest joy of Christmas is celebrating Jesus! Everyday I worship Him and thank Him for all that he has done for me. During this time of year America honors Him, at least that is what Christmas was created for.

I live and breathe because of Jesus. The life that He has given me is priceless. The Lord has given me more than I could ever imagine. The more I experience God through Jesus the more I fall in love with God. The Lord wants us to live a life filled with joy and love. Heaven on Earth is available for everyone if you just let Him give it to you. Lay down your life and give it to the Lord. He will show you what to do and how to do it. As Bill Johnson would say, "More of You Lord in more of me!" The Lord loves you. Ask the Lord to show you His ways and to help you to see what he was thinking when he created you.

God bless you this Christmas season!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So Much Change!

Well... it has been a while since I have written. Were do I start? I guess I will start with the awesome news that Ryan and I are now pastors. Ryan became the Senior Pastor at Christian Community Church here in Kerrville, TX. It was a God Suddenly. We were told about the opportunity at the beginning of Feburary and then became the pastors at the 1st of May. I am so proud of Ryan. He has truly followed the Lord in everything. He has always had the desire to be a pastor every since he was in high school, but of course not knowing if that was his true calling until he stepped into the role. Well he has stepped into the role and I could not be prouder! He loves people so much! He truly has the heart of Christ. I have also stepped into the role as the Worship Pastor.

At the age of 18 I got saved and dedicated my life to Jesus and every since then I have long to use my talents for the Lord. Now I am doing it with every gift that God has given me. I am Christian Community Church's Worship Leader. It is so fullfilling. Seeing the Lord move and bless people through worship is the most awesome experience. I am also now a website designer and graphic designer that brings God glory. I have my own business called Huff Innovations, which is kind of a hobbby more than a job. I do it to bless others and to bring in some extra income. I also work for Max Greiner Jr. who is a Christian Artist here in Kerrville. I am a PT office manager. My main focus is the website. I am currently building a new one for his company Max Greiner Jr. Designs. I am also volunteering for the foundation that Max started called the Coming King Foundation. This foundation is set into place to help build a Christian Sculpture Garden here in Kerrville. This garden is designed to bring people to Jesus Christ. The website is This project has been funded by donations only. It is a nonprofit foundation and is at a stand still right now because we are waiting for funds to come so the foundation can start the parking lot. Then once the parking lot is finished a 77 ft cross will be brought in and will face the city of Kerrville. It will be absolutely stunning!

The most important job I have is being a MOM! I love my kids so much. They are such a joy. Joel is 4 and is becoming a little man. Just this morning he comes up to me and says, "Mommy, I love you, can you give me a hug and a kiss?" My heart just melted. He is turning into quit the young man. Harmony is so precious. She is 15 months and already so girly. She is practically running now and wants to do everything we do. She skipped the toys and went right to pretending like she is a grown up. She carries her little doll around like she is mommy and is cleaning the house already. Joel and Harmony are already the best of friends! They play so good together and Joel is always saying, "Harmony is my friend."

I love my life! It is not perfect, we do struggle, but we count our blessings. We would not be who we are or have what we have if it wasn't for the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Lord provides so much hope and love and we are very grateful for that.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13